Wednesday, July 16, 2008


this morning, while sending megan to her baby sitter, i realised i forgotten my bloody phone and LL walked back home to take, and leaving joelle to send megan to her baby sitter... when i met up joelle at the mrt, i told her "你一定在女儿面前讲 see, look at your tupid dad"... oh well, because whenever joelle did something funny or tupid, i'll tell megan, "see, look at your tupid mum..." hmmm... 报应...

had another bzbz day and thank god i'm still alive after 5:30... but then, server having some problem again... the same server with the same harddisk problem... hopefully tomolo morning its ok le... and because i'm running late, joelle bought some clothing for little one... show ya all later..


when reached yew tee, joelle went to buy dinner while i went over to fetch megan... we reached home almost the same time and megan is already wailing and wailing as it was her feeding time...

and she just 哇!哇!哇!哇!哇!妈!哇!哇!哇!哇!哇!... at that split second, joelle and me looked at each other and i was like... she called joelle?? 不~~~可~~~能~~~!!!!! and joelle happy lor... want me to take this precious moment with megan lor... but then, when megan smile like this at the camera... i melt le...

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and of course, after her milk milk, she just do nothing but to look extremely cute and kissable lor... and move here and there and puke here puke there and joelle got to help megan change her clothing twice in 5 minutes...

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and from the series of hand actions from megan, you think she is trying to show 0104 吗??

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and now, SHOWTIME... as megan is already sleeping, and these clothing needs to be washed first, we will just show you what joelle bought in less than 30 minutes... i can't imagine if i stayed at office for 1 hour... :S




ok... another $48 gone... just 2nd day of the month (we tabulate spendings based on the day we paying for megan's baby sitter, that is mid of the month), $100 for the toys ytd, $48 for these clothing today... tomolo how wor??

aiya, 不多说了, got to rest now... tonight i nite duty... and guess what? baby sitter said megan whole day never poo... oh no... why always when i'm on duty???

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